Feel Fluent Without The Burnout

Build a Comfy Language Learning Routine for real progress Without Pressure


“The Language Habit System was one of the game‑changers for me in language learning.

Marissa, ReLearnaLanguage.com


Are you working your butt off but not seeing the progress?

  • Like you’re in a never-ending cycle of starting and stopping and starting and stopping?
  • Tired, even bored of the same apps, exercises, and flashcards when all you want is to finally get good enough to speak?
  • Guilty because you’ve lost your momentum somehow, and yet you’ve got so many other commitments like your job, family, friends, and other hobbies?

Whether you’re learning for work, family, travel, or just your own intellectual curiosity, one thing is clear:

You’re definitely putting in the effort!

But still..

It’s hard to stay consistent.

  • Maybe you try to maintain the “streak” with an app, but it feels more like a boring obligation than an effective practice for actually speaking the language.
  • Maybe you stop learning your language when you get too busy..but every time you start again, it’s a setback, wasting valuable time and energy just to get back to your level.
  • Like a reluctant gym-goer going into “Beast Mode” once a month, you’re finding that this cycle of rest and sprint is no fun and it doesn’t add up to progress.

You’d like a way to:

  • Get organised, long term.
  • Become great at time management so you can keep learning a language consistently, even when you’re over-scheduled.
  • Get back on track even after you’ve had temporary setbacks.

You can find your productive language routine with the..

Language Habit System

Your Structured Guide for Learning a Language Independently


What’s Inside:

  • 3-step video course

  • Printable trackers & planners

  • Habit handbook

  • Customisable to any language

  • Instant access, lifetime use

This is your easy system for creating a steady, well-organised and simple routine that fits into your life.

  • Set exciting (and achievable) language learning goals.
  • Actually achieve them so that you can get rid of the guilt and start feeling good.
  • Figure out what methods work for you — and bypass gimmicky marketing promises — so that you can make consistent, concrete progress.

I wish I had found Kerstin's Language Habit System when I first started learning languages. I used it recently for German (my 3rd target language) and it helped me tremendously.

Elizabeth Bruckner,

Author at Fluent in 3 Months


What’s Included in the Language Habit System


Step 1: Plan

Step 2: Track

Step 3: Review

    • The one mindset shift you need to start turning language learning goals into real-life action

    • How to use the power of visualization to get motivated and keep that momentum going

    • The biggest mistake people make when starting to learn a language - and how you can set yourself up for success instead


    Vision Goals Worksheet: Capture your motivation and lock in your language learning success

    Language Goals Worksheet: The easiest technique you need for building your language plan for 30 days in under 15 minutes

    Resource Organiser: Eliminate overwhelm and get clear on which materials to use (and when) as you get closer to your language goals.

    • Why small is beautiful in language learning, and how to break down your goals into specific actions

    • Creating a simple, flexible study plan that will save you energy and deliver even when your schedule is packed

    • The 3 simple things you need to do so language learning becomes convenient, rewarding, and easy


    Weekly Planner: Learn how to fit language learning into your schedule — even if it’s already packed!

    Language Habit Tracker: Learn how you can easily check in with yourself and your goals every single day — in seconds!

    Study Tracker: keep track of what you do (and what you don’t do) so that you can get motivated by seeing your progress on paper and adapt things that aren’t working for you.

    Dual Language Tracker: If you’re studying more than one language, the dual language tracker will help you keep a clear head for two in one place.

    • Discovering your ideal learning style (hint: it’s based on your actual real experience, not an online quiz from ChatGPT)

    • 3 ways to customize your language routine so that you can see your progress and keep going in the right direction

    • How to use this step to maintain momentum in your language learning month after month


    Your Month in Review: The right questions to ask so that you can troubleshoot, tweak your routine and keep getting better month after month.


You also get the following BONUS materials to help you put the Language Habit System into action:

  • The The Fluent Focus Hub: a Notion-based tracking dashboard for visual learners
  • The Phenomenal Language Habit Handbook
  • Real-Life Samples from Independent Language Learners + My "Learn With Me" Guide
  • The Four Tendencies Training & Workbook: Discover your language learning power using Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies Framework

How Much is The Language habit system?

One and Done

Pay in full for instant access

  297 USD  

Payment Plan

107 USD per month for 3 months

  107 USD x 3  



This is a limited time offer - join now to secure the deal.

Ready to Start Your New Language Habit?

Then join us today, and you can say hello to

  • More TIME in your life because we’re cutting out the goals that don’t work for you
  • More PROGRESS in your languages because you’ll be creating a routine that doesn’t make you want to run away and hide
  • More JOY in your world because you’re so ready to speak another language and feel awesome about it

“Kerstin shows you that creating a roadmap and consistent study schedule doesn’t have to be a challenge when you learn languages.”

Shannon Kennedy

Founder of eurolinguiste.com


Independent Language Learning is Different

My name is Kerstin, and I have studied 9 languages so far.

After I finished my degree in languages, my studies ground to a halt. I didn’t have motivation at first. When I decided to “pick up Russian”, I sat at home with a coursebook and a blank look on my face. 

At that point, I realized that independent language learning is different.

I needed more than just “the knowledge”.

After learning and teaching languages for over 25 years, I have created the Language Habit System because I am passionate about helping you add the gifts of language learning to your life.

The Language Habit System has helped hundreds of students take charge of their language learning routine.

“I loved the Language Habit System. Thanks to the Vision Goals Worksheet, I now have a motivating image that I’m in Paris, showing my wife that I can speak fluent French.

Unlike a calendar, I found that the trackers in the Language Habit System allowed me to remember exactly what I studied.


Dedicated French Learner, Pilot, Runner and Violinist


Important to Know

The Language Habit System is For You

  • No matter which language you are learning- even multiple languages at once
  • No matter if you have a tutor, you attend group classes, or you’re working entirely solo
  • No matter why you have decided to learn a language!

If you have made some progress and are finding yourself stuck in the swamp of resources and language advice, then this System is going to help you bring it all together.

Real Talk: This Isn’t Right For You If

  • you want the “secret formula to learn a language in 7 days”. That’s not my speciality, and to be honest I don’t think it’s possible anyway.
  • you’re just dabbling right now and you think you’re going to drop the whole language thing in a few days (if that's the case, you may not be ready to commit to the Language Habit System yet)
  • you want a highly prescriptive plan that tells you exactly what to do and when to do it. This System is not "one size fits all".

“I am very guilty of taking on too much, then I wonder why I find myself doing anything but what I set out to do. Now I see the value in small, baby step goals and realistic schedules.

Yari Arenas


What Is Inside The Language habit system?

This course includes

  • Instant access to the extensive Language Habit System video course (including notes, slides, audio version and a captioned option)

  • The phenomenal Language Habit Handbook

  • 9 professionally designed worksheets, each available as a printable and digital option

  • BONUS: The Fluent Focus Hub – a Notion-based tracking dashboard for visual learners

  • BONUS: Routine From Zero Journaling Prompts

  • BONUS: The Four Tendencies Training & Workbook

You will have instant access to all these brilliant things right after you purchase - no waiting, no need to get on Zoom. The course will be available for you in my members area with easy lesson access on any device of your choice.


“I loved the vision goal exercise, especially the feelings-based goal! I pictured myself feeling smart, proud, excited, and incredulous speaking Russian. Talking with taxi drivers when I travel is one of my favorite ways of practicing languages, so I added chatting confidently in Russian to a taxi driver in Kazakhstan as a goal. This kind of emotionally engaging visualization helps me tap back into the curiosity and joy that made me want to learn Russian in the first place.”

Ingrid T.



Frequently Asked questions

I’ve already bought language courses! How is this one different?

The Language Habit System is not a language course. It’s a set of tools that you can use immediately to get into (and stick to) a productive language learning routine.

You can apply them to any language and any method you choose. In fact, if you track your habits through the Language Habit Toolkit, **it will quickly boost the courses you already have as you learn to adapt and work through them ** in a way that helps you make the most progress.

What if I haven’t got time to do any more?

I’ve seen a lot of language learners fail because they’re always chasing the next big thing, without taking a moment to think about what’s the most effective use of their time before they jump in.

I love this Abraham Lincoln quote because it’s so true for language learning: “If I had 6 hours to cut down a tree, I’d spend the first 4 sharpening the axe.”

The Language Habit Toolkit will give you the tools to sharpen the axe — it’s about optimizing your routine and focusing on the right things, that will save you tons of time within just a few days...and in the long run.

Once you’re all set up, the goal setting takes about 20 minutes per month, and the actual study works even if you just have 5 minutes some days.

Will this work if I’m learning [insert language]?

It will work for you no matter which language you’re working on, and even if you are studying multiple languages at the same time. All you need to bring is an open mind, a bag of questions, possibly a planner and the desire to find your personal path to fluency.

Can I use it with more than one language?

Of course — the systems you’ll learn will help you fit language learning around your other commitments, which will also make it easier for you to figure out how to juggle multiple languages, if you choose to learn more than one. There are even some tools showing you how to do this in the course! If you want a specific boost for adding a new language to your routine, I recommend you also check out [Multilingual Power-Up][1]

Is there a Money Back Guarantee?

Yes. If you follow the system and find that it just doesn’t feel right for you at all, you can get your money back by asking me for a refund.

You have to request this refund by email within 14 days of purchase. I may ask you a few questions about your decisions, which is just my research so I can improve the way I market this course.

Please note that this 14-day policy applies equally if you choose the split pay option at checkout.

I have another question, where can I ask it?

No problem! Contact me Using the chatbox on the bottom right of this page, or By email kerstin@fluentlanguage.co.uk


“I can’t believe how much I was able to do for the month of October!

I started studying Italian 5 years ago, but I wasn’t doing it very well at the start. I had no direction and fluttered between different programs and study styles and sadly didn’t make a lot of progress.

On purchasing the Language Habit System I learnt how to make goals and how to be specific in setting out my monthly or weekly study schedule.

I look forward to the start of each new month where I can review my progress, ready to start again.”

Fran Maltese-Norris

Italian & Sicilian Learner

“When I learn a language, there is always a moment when I feel frustrated because I wonder if what I’m doing is really paying off.

The Language Habit System helps me stay motivated by offering me a clear vision of my progress. Using it makes studying much more fun because I know what I’m doing is actually useful and don’t just study hoping it will be worth it eventually.”

Benjamin Houy

Founder of French Together

“At first, I found it difficult to summarize my Study Sessions. But as I continued with this practice, I found it extremely helpful and encouraging to pinpoint what I had learnt.”


Lifelong Language Learner

“I am more invested in learning the language now. It’s more than just something I would like to do.

Elly Jeurissen