Learning German With TV Shows: The Most Effective Strategies and Resources for Your Study Routine

Boost your German language learning with TV, podcasts, and radio shows! Discover how to pick the perfect show for your skill level. Say goodbye to dull lessons and hello to rapid vocabulary expansion.

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How Much Will You Pay for a Helpful Language Tutor?

A language tutor can teach you the ins and outs of your target language, and help you achieve your learning goals faster and easier. But the pricing confuses many students. Some tutors cost $50+ per hour, others are available for less money? What’s the difference? Read on to learn more about different backgrounds, levels, and prices. 

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Discover the Power of AI: Your New Language Learning Must-Have

I’m putting it on record: AI took me by surprise. As a pen-and-paper lover who’s never too far from her language learning journal, most language learning apps have failed to capture my heart.

Sure, Duolingo has a cute owl, but I never progressed fully out of the skeptic state myself (here’s my 2020 review).

So when the latest AI tools and chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Bard became popular, I was surprised by how excited I was very very fast!

Unlike curriculum-driven apps, these new tools added the flexibility and fun that I had been missing for my languages. So today, let’s have a deeper look into into why AI is a brilliant new language learning resource, and how you can start taking advantage of it for your own language learning routine.

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