Learn the Vocabulary of Any Language With Little Effort,
in 3 Simple Steps
Do you have a full set of flashcards with hundreds of words on your phone… but somehow not in your brain?
Ever had that sinking feeling when you want to speak a language and then your mind goes blank? What’s that word again? Darn! You forgot!
If you have trouble remembering and you want to start speaking another language without sounding like a broken parrot, then you’ll need Your Solid Vocab Memory.
Han Vanduffel, Greek learner from Netherlands
This system..
Requires little to no effort. If you want a word extra sticky, spend a few minutes using one of my techniques and you’ll remember it more easily.
Requires no planning. You just set up your preferred steps and go.
Works even for those words that just don’t seem to stay in your memory, no matter what you’ve tried.
Turns vocab review from a boring list exercise into a fun and creative process that will get you motivated to learn more.
Helps you learn words so that you can access them in conversation with ease.
Sounds like the answer to all your vocab problems?
Then Your Solid Vocab Memory is exactly what you need to set up a new highly effective study routine that won’t take up all your time.

What I've Been Looking For!
"I’ve always struggled to learn different languages, despite trying for many years - taking classes, using tapes and CDs.
Now, thanks to Kerstin, I finally have the method I’ve been looking for. Using the ideas about memorizing and revising she describes, I’ve been able to grow my vocabulary in Spanish from almost non-existent to over 200 words, in a very short time!
Hazel Hardie
Lancaster, UK

One Of My Favourites!
"This is perfect if your confidence has taken a hit because you can’t recall words in your target language. This course has been one of my favourite resources of the year because it teaches you how to learn and remember vocab in 3 simple steps: GROW, MEMORIZE, REVIEW.The course is packed with examples and tutorials, guiding you through fun and creative techniques for building strong connections with words!
Michele Frolla
Here’s how we’re going to build your vocab routine
You’ll start by learning my language coach insights for creating the right mindset about vocab learning. If you ever wanted to know how many words it takes for you to become fluent, this is where you’ll find your answer.
In the Grow section, you’ll discover tried-and-tested top sources of new vocabulary and learn how to create easy notes that serve you for the long run.
In our next section, we’ll talk about Memorizing. You’ll learn how to add some glue to those big and small words that just won’t stick with a few unbelievably simple techniques that never fail to make any word memorable.
And finally, I’ll give you super easy, customizable, super effective Review methods to turn your new words into active vocabulary so you can access them in your next conversation with no effort
Are You Ready to Fall in Love with Vocab?
Most advice out there talks about memory like it is a huge list of statistics that you must master like a robot. The higher your number, the “better” your result.
Your Solid Vocab Memory is an online course teaching you my tried-and-tested system for developing a great vocabulary learning routine. I have used this system to study 10+ languages, and I focus on helping you find pleasure 😍 in the words you're learning with fun, effective, holistic methods that will serve you for years to come.
Now I have fun with my words!
"This course is essential for beginners, but even you have decent experience in learning/teaching foreign languages, you still will find out something new.
I have learnt not to rush with new words, instead to go back and make sure I put important word in my active vocabulary.
Now I have fun with my words!"
Olga Smith
Learning vocabulary in a systematic way
"I think it's a great course to help someone build a system for vocabulary, as it gives a lot of different ways of organising the vocabulary and learning it in a systematic way.
I wanted to see if I could improve my existing learning method and this course did give me some new ideas to remember the words which sometimes don't stick"
Abdul Qadir Malik
Your Solid Vocab Memory includes:
Ongoing Access and Updates: The course is yours to access for as long as you like. And if there are any updates or improvements, you’ll get those for free so your version is never out of date.
A detailed online course guiding you through my super simple and highly effective system for getting better at remembering vocabulary.
Creative vocab review ideas for when you just can’t face another flashcard.
Detailed examples and tutorials, guiding you through my fun and creative techniques for building rich links that mean you will not forget tricky vocab terms anymore
Responsive Design: This course will work on your desktop computer, phone, and tablet.
Immediate access to the course including videos, slides, recorded coaching calls and notes with recommended resources and links
Lifetime Access and Updates: The course is yours to access for as long as you like. And if there are any updates or improvements, you’ll get those for FREE so your version is never out of date.
"What I love about the course is that it’s adaptable for a variety of methods and materials.
Don’t like flashcards? There’s a video on creative review methods. Also super useful was the section on goal-setting—good stuff!
Suzanne Jacobs

About Your Instructor
Hi, I’m Kerstin Cable. I’m a native German speaker and fluent in five languages.
I love researching and teaching languages to others. I have been teaching languages for 6 years, from relaxed 1‑to‑1 sessions in coffee shops to online classes with CEOs and university lectures in world‑class institutions.
I have made nearly 200 episodes of the Fluent Show podcast and have been featured as a language expert on The Cut, BBC, The Guardian & more.
Your Solid Vocab Memory is perfect for you if
☹️ you feel like vocabulary is your language learning weakness and you’d love to get better at remembering words.
☹️ you find that your current system is confusing and ineffective and you want to start setting up something easy and reliable that delivers results every time.
☹️ you have lots of flashcards and systems on the go, but those words seem to disappear when you want to speak the language.
🙂 you want to create a positive and productive attitude to vocabulary learning for yourself - without the worries that you’re not studying enough!
Frequently Asked Questions
Will this work for any language?
Yes! This vocabulary course works in any language of your choice, because you'll be learning principles that will help you set up a successful framework. All target languages are welcome.
I really don't like flashcards. Will this course work for me?
YES!! Yes yes yes.
You do not have to cram every word you want to learn into cards. You do not require algorithms to provide you with complex repetition intervals in order to boost your memory. Flashcards are fantastic, but trust me when I tell you they are not the only way to learn.
In this course, I teach concepts that will work for you no matter where or how you want to capture your words. You can get a lot out of this system even if you've never used a flashcard app, and you won't have to start now.
Is this suitable for any level?
There is no requirement, and this works very well for new learners and beginners, as well as teachers who want inspiration for working with their students.
It’s a totally flexible system and I cover lots of sources that would work for different levels.
This course might not be right for you if you're a very experienced language learner looking for a difficult challenge or learning shortcut. Please don't hesitate to contact me and discuss your needs using the chat icon on this page, or email kerstin@fluentlanguage.co.uk.
When does the course start and finish?
Your Solid Vocab Memory is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
If you don’t feel like you have learned something new and gained new practical ideas for improving how you learn new vocabulary, you can send me an email and I will give you a refund within the first 14 days.
Due to the instant access you get when you buy, please note I cannot give refunds for a change of mind.